It happens often on adays when it is this windy and nasty, replica Bvlgari watch people start thinking about backhome and all their loved ones. But, with a lot of good open discussion,weve become a new stronger better team and were excited about gettingup early tomorrow morning and moving on to Camp 3. Once again Gabriel Filippi gives us insight into the conditions on the north:I am still at camp 1: the weather winning over myefforts. I just saw something quite amazing: two flying tents! Whatis even more spectacular, is that the first one was still occupied by aclimber. Fortunately, his flight was only a few centimeters long, andhe is fine.
On the north most of climbersare behind for about a day.Apa replica Rolex Sports Models watches Sherpas BC updated us hours ago from the North Col:Everybody is at Camp 4. There was a possibility of somevery high winds, maybe up to 60 mph, but the team reports that all iscalm. They will be leaving for their summit attempt in about 4 and halfhours.These next reports show that many teams hit the wall on Thursday,May 20th battling the weather and will be looking at an actual summitattempt on Saturday night with a Sunday morning summit.Alpine Ascents joined the teams that tried to move to C3 and retreated as the winds hit harder:
The other tent literally disappeared with all its Breitling replica watches content:clothing, sleeping bag, food, oxygen. We still dont know who owed it,but it is safe to say that his expedition is seriously compromised bythe loss of his equipment. Lhakpa and I evaluated the winds at140km/h. I will leave for camp 2 tomorrow... until then, I amstreching the soup!As I have mentioned throughout this season, the First Ascentsite has excellent video and outstanding writing from Leif Whittakerand now Melissa Arnot. I previously mentioned, via my Twitter feed,this videofrom Dave Hahn on the conditions. Dave has summited Everest 11 timesand knows his stuff so when he says they will be lucky to summit,that says a lot.