Review of the Casio GW
I wonder what such a tool would look like, how it would function, and whata public service announcement from Casio about terrorists using their watches toblow up airplanes might look like. Anyway, I'm no security expert, so I'm happyto reserve judgment, and I would certainly prefer airlines err on the sideof caution when it comes to security. At the same time, I will also say that Istood in the longest security line I've ever seen this morning flying out of Oakland,CA. I travel a fair amount -- often out of Washington, DC -- and I've never seena longer, slower moving security line as the one I stood in this morning, evenright after 9/11. I don't know if watches had anything to do with it, but I suspectthat with each warning that gets issued, policies get stricter, and lines getlonger.The idea is that since Casios are readilyavailable and very affordable, budget-conscious terrorists could modify aCasio ProTrek or Pathfinder so that it could detonate a bombat a specified altitude (I suppose you wouldn't want to blow up a Suunto,Tissot, or a Hamilton). I received a lot of skeptical email regarding thewarning, however whether it was justified or not, Casio's legalteamhasapparently responded. According to Robert Shapiro, Director of LegalAffairs, Casio is more than happy to work with the DHS to help limitany potential threats:"We hope to have a meeting where we can help screeners with identifyingthe watch and understand how it's used, how it functions.