
Review of the Xonix 256MB MP3 Watch

I wrote asmall piece outlining the history of the Fossil Wrist PDA back in November,in case you're interested in ancient history.But for those of you who prefer to look forward rather than back, the new FossilWrist PDA is actually immediately available on Fossil's site, and if you can wait5-7 business days, they will even ship it to you for free!Fossil does not go into a lot of technical detail about the Wrist PDA on theirsite, but here's what I've been able to gather so far:160x160 grayscale LCD touch-screen.66MHz processor. That's twice the speedof the 2-year-old original.Palm OS 4.1 (same as the original).8MB of memory (up 4x from the original).Stylus integrated into the buckle.All I can say is thanks, Fossil, for not giving up on this watch. I'm sure somevery heated and ugly internal battles were fought and won in order to keep investingin this piece of technology.(The watch even charts changes in barometric pressure.)Real-time digital compass. Displays your current heading as well as both magneticor geographic north (see my reviewof the Tissot T-Touch for an explanationof the difference). The watch even has a level bubble built into the face to helpyou keep it level when using the compass. The resolution is 1 degree.Thermometer. (Can be calibrated to compensate for your body temperature.)Dual layer LCD display so you can view the compass and other information simultaneously.Date display.